Sunday, January 15, 2012

NAS 110/220/440 part5: Download manager (Debian)

This is the last of the series that describe how the NAS can behave as a linux server (DLNA, webserver, bittorent). About the end of this tutorial you should be at about the 75% of your space in the NAS (issue the "df -h" command).

Download from here the pyLoad deb file (without gui, cli only)

aptitude install python-pycurl python-crypto
dpkg -i pyload-cli-v0.4.9-all.deb
cd /usr/share/pyload/
python -s
(to create the intial database setup for the webinterface. The command prompts you for a username, an email and a password, which will be used to authenticate you against the webinterface of pyload (see below).)
I would suggest to pick the threaded server as the builtin usually causes problems and requires restarts in the web interface.
nano ~/.pyload/pyload.conf
nano /usr/share/pyload/module/config/default.conf (although this is not the real that the program is looking)

see here for configuration settings.

if you want it to load at boot up time as a service then

  • nano /etc/init.d/pyload
    add to PATH after :/usr/bin: the :/usr/local/bin:
  • and edit /etc/rc.local
    add just before exit 0 the "/etc/init.d/pyload start" (make sure you leave an empty line just before and after this line) or "python /usr/share/pyload/ --daemon" (didn't work for me... probably doesn't resolve the right path, probably because python is not loaded yet..?)
To change users that can enter the webinterface just "python /usr/share/pyload/ -u"
To see more help, then " python /usr/share/pyload/ -h"




- FatRat (doesn't work without X-Server)
- Slimrat (doesn't have actualy a web ui)
- Plowshare (no WebUI)

For NAS to work with tomato you will need to open up the ports from outside.
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT

So the startup script would be something like that
echo "LABEL=optware /opt ext2 defaults,noatime 1 1" >> /etc/fstab;
sleep 5;
/opt/bin/pyLoadCore --daemon
echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/firewall-start;
echo "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 8000 -j ACCEPT" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start;
chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/firewall-start;
Or instead for the last 3 lines, just go to the script for firewall and add
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 8000 -j ACCEPT;

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